Friday, October 16, 2009

Promises, Promises?

Everyone has been lead to believe that President Obama won the Nobel Peace prize very easily. But it appears that it was not so. The Norwegian Nobel committee seems to not have been convinced of President Obama's promises he made to the U.S. and the world and his enormous lack of experience. How is it Obama won this prestigious award? Can anyone win? Aparently so, and you can obviously dupe the committee into believing campaign promises would be fulfilled. Obama has not had much experience in leading. We can see this in his time as a junior senator. I believe the committee could have made a lot better choice for the award. He has not ended the "Don't ask, don't tell policy which would be good for the gay rights movement but could pose a problem for the homosexuals in the military. If they are outed there might be a lot more "hazing" or attacks. Obama in my opinion has failed us in Afghanistan as the committee has noticed. Obama has not supported the "right"war and has replaced competent commanders and not given the numerical support needed. I believe the Norwegians realised Obama was unable to live up to the promise of closing GITMO quickly. I am happy it is still open. I served there as a guard and know what kind of people are there. If the Norwegians realise Obama cant keep promises, why is America so into Obama, the man who can do no wrong? Obviously even people from other countries see that he has not held up his promises. Why can't we?

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