Saturday, October 24, 2009

Where is our govt taking us?

Is our Govt taking us for a ride? I believe they are as they have always done. Polititians for the most part are a joke. They just feed us what we want to hear and then do what is best for themselves and line their own pockets. Not that they need the money. They get all kinds of goodies for free. Food, lodging, transportation, "tokens of appreciation".

But you know what drives me crazy? It alway seems like the rich get the goodies. They can already afford all of the things they get for free and dont think twice about it. Now take the average american. A free dinner or a trip anywhere would be a blessing and greatly appreciated. Most americans cant even afford to go out to McDonalds.

Back to my main point. How many times have we elected a president, Demorcratic or Republican, who have promised us this and promised us that, just to forget about what they told us or have conveniently put the issues on the backburner. I am sick of politicians making horrible decisions. I know that we vote them in and hope they will do what we need and will make the best decisions. I feel that these yahoo's decide to cut funding in places it is needed such as military spending, and waste money on programs such as space exploration. Dont get me wrong. I am sure there are things we can learn in space that will be beneficial, but we are fighting multiple wars and the soldiers need better weapons and equipment. I know, I was a soldier for six years.

I sometimes wish that the common man could once in a while spend some time with the politicians during their day. What for you ask? To be the little birdie in their ear, whispiring to them, letting them know what the little people think and feel and make them think twice about the decesions they are making.

Our govt is failing us. They continue to say they are doing what is best for us and yet look how our country is doing. We are involved in multiple wars, people are losing their jobs, houses, savings and sanity. National debt is outrageous. Health insurance is driving people into the poorhouse. Where will it end? The government is taking us down a dark and dangerous path.

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