Monday, November 30, 2009

Obama Finally makes a decision

Well I guess there are miracles. Obama finally made a decision about Afgahanistan. It only took a few months but there was no rush. No troops were dying over there. No family members had to worry about loved ones. Come on. He is the commander in chief. People rely on him to make wartime decisions.

I am not saying that it was easy to reach the point he got to. But he had to make a choice and he did. he is sending at least 35,000 troops at a annual cost of 75 Billion. Yes this is a lot of money, but wars cost. The russians sure know this about Afghanistan. We are fighting a long battle that may never end. But we are Americans and we try to police the world.

Obama has made the right choice in my opinion about sending more troops. Will it be enough? Only time will tell. The unfortunate thing is that we do not know the whole strategy. Obama cant let the enemies know what he is going to do so the public only has limited knowledge.

Obama let us know he was going to do something about the war in Afghanistan. I only hope that he did not take too much time and hurt us in the longrun.

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