Monday, December 7, 2009

Cash blocked

It seems that Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott makes a good point that Texas is making good headway with education standards. President Obama has decided to make a standard math and english curriculum and the state of Alaska is in the same boat as Texas. They are telling the president to shove it. They dont need the federal government to tell them what they need to teach. Texas definately does not need to. Texas has been working diligently on making the education system better. The only problem is that to get a big fistfull of govt dollars, you have to conform to the government standards. So basicly what is happening is that you have to follow the pied piper playing the flute to get to the money bin. This seems to be just another way to get everyone to fall in line in the Obama administration. What happened to the states making decisions for themselves. If one state is having no problems with curriculems and students are making good grades, why should they have to switch to a different set of study materials? Cant they leave well enough alone and still help out a state that can use the grant money?

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